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Substrates: A word fit for an ecological worldview

The Cycle of Kairotic Flow, with its 6 Archetypal Phases of activities needed to sustain life, takes an ecological perspective on life, the universe and everything. By doing so, it provides powerful insights that can be applied in our own lives, in business, in rethinking governance to suit the 21st century and beyond... and in the process of doing all that, we may just find a way through our current mess to a more just, beautiful and joyful world for everyone.

But writing and talking about Kairotic Flow in a way that can be easily understood by most people -- many of whom are already overwhelmed and exhausted -- is really tricky. Our day-to-day language remains overloaded with words and metaphors that keep our thinking stuck in the same (mechanistic and linear) view of the world that created the problems we're facing.

Getting out of that box requires introducing some words that aren't in common usage.

And so, in this pilot episode of the Kairotic Flow Learning Series, I explain why I think it's important to use "substrates" instead of "structures", and then raise a related, very serious question for all of us to think about.

I hope you enjoy the show!