Kairotic Flow Introductory Presentation Video

Initially published via Kairotic Flow Emerging substack, 28 September 2024


Video presentation is viewable on this website’s home page


The Cycle of Kairotic Flow provides an ecological, multi-scoped lens for orienting within and navigating complex reality. Kairotic Flow's 6 Archetypes represent sequential phases of activity that living beings must perform competently to stay alive: Steward, Curator, Scout, Pioneer, Cultivator and Regulator.

Each Archetype has its own perspective, needs, and 'vibe'. This presentation provides a brief overview of the dynamics of the cycle, the Archetypes, the conditions they need to be healthy, and how to apply Kairotic Flow in your own life.

Important: This presentation is shared under Creative Commons licensing. It may be re-shared, with attribution, in whole or in part, but only for non-commercial purposes. All commercial rights are reserved in full. An introductory book and courses towards practitioner certification in Kairotic Flow are presently in development.

Thank you for watching!


Not Consumers, but the Consumed


Substrates: A word fit for an ecological worldview