Kairotic Flow Coaching
Learn to navigate with Kairotic Flow
Want to learn how to
apply Kairotic Flow in your own life?
Wayfinding skills
Nothing is as practical as a good theory, if you practise it!
Kairotic Flow is not an academic theory. At this phase of its lifecycle (Scout, slowly moving to Pioneer) it’s not going to give you a recognised certification or qualification you can put on your CV. Training courses and practitioner and organisational certifications are in early stages of development, but the value of Kairotic Flow will always be in its real world application.
That is already possible, and I know people who are doing exactly this — practising applying Kairotic Flow in their own lives, gaining insights from looking through its lens at their work and other situations, and orienting their choice-making and actions. Like me, these people are finding that, when they understand Kairotic Flow with sufficient depth, it is incredibly clarifying.
Kairotic Flow insights show the way to the “simplicity on the other side of complexity” (Oliver Wendell Holmes).
What it takes to get to “enough” understanding (and confidence) is different for everyone. A couple of people “got it” after a few conversations with me, because they were already very close to the discovery themselves, and needed just a little calibration. Most people seem to find it much easier to apply Kairotic Flow in some situations than in others. A few are still struggling with the first step of letting go of current-worldview assumptions and conditioning so they can “zoom out” of those boxes and choose the right holon levels to focus on. It’s all good. This isn’t a competition! The only thing that matters for you, if you want to apply Kairotic Flow in your life, is you gaining enough understanding, and confidence in your understanding, to do that.
Learning one-on-one with me will — in most cases — be the fastest and most reliable path to you gaining that understanding and confidence. That’s the purpose of Kairotic Flow coaching.