Donate to Kairotic Flow
How your gift helps
The options listed here are only suggestions, to let you know what a given donation will help me with. You can always choose a custom amount!
$10 - An appreciated gesture. Every bit helps!
$25 - 25% of ongoing expenses of sharing Kairotic Flow
$100 - A month’s expenses of sharing Kairotic Flow
$900 - Minimum / basic income for one week
Why give to support Kairotic Flow?
Kairotic Flow is in service to all of life.
It is infinitely bigger than me… but for now I am a bottleneck.
Donations help get me (Kylie) out of the way.
I would like to believe that if I were “financially independent”, I would simply share everything about Kairotic Flow for free, to anyone who wants it. I think that is true, but who really knows the person they would be and how that person would act if they were in a different situation than the one they are actually in?
My actual situation right now feels like walking a tightrope of faith.
Often, I cannot see more than one step ahead. Probably that’s just as well. I’ve learned that looking down at my feet to see where I’m about to step is not a good idea. It’s completely paralysing! Instead, I’m listening to the world, and to how Kairotic Flow wants me to respond, and committing over and over again to bring to those responses all the love, presence, faith, integrity and grace I can. This is easily the greatest challenge of my life, and I have no idea how competent I am moment to moment, let alone in the bigger picture. I suspect my personal contribution to balancing is barely adequate… just enough that I’m still alive, moving in what feels like the right direction, and — yes — loving every moment of it.
I am grateful beyond measure. It’s a privilege to be working on Kairotic Flow at all.
And yet, I also feel a profound sense of urgency that does not feel like it’s coming from me as a person. It has me wondering whether my pride/ego is (still?) getting in Kairotic Flow’s way. Like most of my generation (X) I learned to strive for ‘self-sufficiency’ and ‘independence’, and feel quite conflicted about asking for help on something that for now, even though I know it is not “mine”, mostly seems to be emerging through me.
Once the Kairotic Flow ‘baby’ is born into the world and the Pioneer Archetype kicks in, this will no doubt change. But for now, during the gestation period of the Scout Archetype, the Kairotic Flow ‘pregnancy’ is in me alone. That’s what I mean by calling myself a bottleneck.
Like any pregnancy, this gestation will take as long as it needs to take. I don’t know how long that will be. Funnily enough, Kairotic Flow is gestating on kairos time, not chronos! Rushing it is not on the cards. But tightrope walking does slow things down.
Here’s what the tightrope looks like (for now)…
On the one hand, while doing paid jobs and writing the first book/s on Kairotic Flow, I’m gifting my time, writing, pro bono teaching, and making free tools (such as the free Home Archetypes Quiz) available where I can afford to do so. Whether directly or indirectly, all donations increase what I can afford to “pay forward” in this way.
On the other hand, via my business “Presence of Mine”, which owns this domain and website, and is hosting Kairotic Flow, I’m offering Kairotic Flow coaching and consulting services to those who are in a hurry to commence their personal or organisational transformation, and wish to pay for my time to assist with that. I’m also developing products to sell, starting with the introductory book I’m in the middle of writing.
Although Kairotic Flow is still in a gestational period, and the matrix (womb) is “in me”, so to speak, it is crucial to acknowledge that I am not alone in this journey! I do not have the words to express this sacred infinite relationship… it just is.
A beautiful web of humans continue to hold and love me and Kairotic Flow through this phase, as well — providing encouragement and support, engaging in amazingly insightful and inspiring conversations, reviewing what I’m writing as it emerges, providing feedback, inviting others into conversation, sharing Kairotic Flow out into the world, and so much more I don’t even know about. (I appreciate you all SO much!)
Once I/we have sufficiently navigated this gestational part of the tightrope, I envision:
Kairotic Flow becoming increasingly verified (and refined or invalidated, if and where appropriate!) through complexity science, action research, and ongoing feedback, response, observation and learning — Kairotic Flow’s sacred pattern integrity is life itself, and what we don’t know is infinite;
Kairotic Flow having its own coherent, integrous, globally functioning for-profit and non-profit organisational “arms”, with the former sustainably feeding the latter;
Developing continuously learning cohorts of caring, competent, and certified Kairotic Flow Practitioners, and ensuring they have guild-like support and receive a decent living wage to assist people and organisations wishing to transform what they do, to be in flowing, healthy service to life;
Certifying and providing ongoing support to organisations that authentically transform their operations in this way, and freely choose to engage in the ongoing learning journey with Kairotic Flow;
Ensuring that everyone who wants to learn about Kairotic Flow and apply it for themselves has ongoing access to all the information and assistance they need in order to do that; and
Establishing (probably just affiliated rather than subsidiary) guild/s to support ongoing development of mastery in the presently very-much-needed but underdeveloped and under-appreciated skills of the Scout and Curator Archetypes.
It’s highly likely that this ‘vision’ will itself evolve and shift over time, as conditions change and new information emerges. Just letting you know where I’m at!